Follow the steps below to sign-in to Zendesk with your District 30 Google account and submit a Technology or Maintenance Ticket.
- Signing In: Go to or
- Click Sign In on the top right of your browser window
- If you are not signed in to your District 30 Google account, you will be prompted to do so.
If you are signed into a non-District 30 Google account, you will be presented with an error. You will need to sign out of that account before you will be able to access Zendesk. - Once you are signed in, click Submit a Ticket on the top right of your browser window.
- Fill out the request:
Department - Choose the type of ticket that you are creating
- Technology
- Maintenance
Building - Select the building the request is for:
- Maple
- Wescott
- Willowbrook
Room/Location - What room or location (Hallway/Front door) is the request for
Subject - The topic for your request
Description - Please enter the details of your request
Attachments - You can add Screenshots and other files here if necessary
Click the Submit button at the bottom of the page - You will receive an email confirmation the the request has been received.